Solar lights for landscaping.  Pathway solar lighting.


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Solar White Pathway LightSolar light - White Pathway Light
Illuminate your driveway, sidewalks, and outdoor stairs with our solar pathway light, which turns on automatically at night and doesn’t need costly underground wiring. The lamp incorporates a crystal column lens whose beveled glass enhances brightness, and a canopy that directs a narrow curtain of light low over the ground without blinding passersby.

A high efficiency monocrystal solar panel (the same technology powering many NASA satellites) recharges two NiCad batteries (included) that illuminate two bright white LEDs. After a day’s exposure to sun, the light operates eight to ten hours.

Battery is rechargeable up to 500 times (about a year and a half). Entire light housing is stainless steel that resists rust, humidity, and water. Also works well to light gardens and decorative ground cover. Stakes easily into ground. 22” H x 6” Diam. (2 lbs.)

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